Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And Then There Was Light

Could use a little help here. Ok, I’m losing my mind. I’m chalking this up to no sleep, menopause, drugs I have taken (prescription ones, except for the brownies, but I don’t think they have such a long lasting effect. Besides those were medicinal and we all know that medicinal drugs never have bad side effects, especially the ones with chocolate.), getting older, and chemo brain (which I did some research on and found out it can take a very long time to end or possibly be permanent – great.). On a daily basis I forget everything, like (throw back to valley girl speak) everything, all the time. When I speak to anyone there will be at least one occurrence when I can't remember something. I recently forgot the name of one of my kids for an hour. I was stubborn and wouldn’t let anyone tell me what it was. Seriously, I should know what’s-her-name’s name. Everyone asks me which kid, and I can’t remember (that's a joke.). I can never remember the “right” word for something (I know this is a common problem for us aged folks). That leads to trying to describe the word. Which reminds me of a time in 8th grade when I couldn’t figure out how to spell the word “just” and started doubting that it was actually a word. I guess this forgetting thing has been going on for awhile. I couldn't find my regular McDonald's after dropping the kids off at school. I go to the same McDonald's every day. I was driving through my neighborhood and wasn't sure which street to take to get home. So yesterday, I stood in front of my closet and wanted to turn on the light. I stared into the closet and looked at the bulb and thought to myself, “how do I make that go on?”. I then remembered there was some sort of switch. I looked around and found the light switch right where it always is, you know, right by the outside of the door. I concentrated really hard on the switch to figure out what I was supposed to do to it to make it turn on the light. Look at the switch, look at the bulb. This switch is one of those that you push the bottom or you push the top, not a flip one. I tentatively reached out and pushed the bottom (which was already depressed), nothing happened. I then pushed the top. Ta-da! There was light! I was proud of myself for figuring it out, but at the same time confused and horrified. I know we all can say we forget things, but have you ever forgotten something so simple?

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